Monday, May 02, 2005


So, it turns out, I am addicted to Slingo. It's a ridiculous Slots-Bingo hybrid available for download at Yahoo Games. Yeah, I already downloaded it AND used up my whole hour of playing time...
Sadly, I am now resigned to playing the crappy free version online.
Last month it was Pyramids, now Slingo! What's next? Dominoes? Ooh, dominoes.
Gotta go.


eva said...

Ahhh Snood. Good times. A while back my sister and I became obsessed with it again and we bought these fantastic T-shirts which came with bumper stickers that read, appropriately enough: "Forget life, play snood!" Yay!

Jessica said...

Oh, did I fail to mention my ongoing Snood addiction for which I am far too ashamed to seek treatment...that and I can't bear to give it up.
I have Snood on my desktop. I also have the program that lets you make your own Snood yeah, that's a whole other brand of sickness.

Jessica said...

Oh my lord, it's worse than I thought. Right after I wrote that last comment, I went and hit a few games of Snood...
Yikes. Addiction is a bitch.