And I am capable of MUCH MUCH more than I ever thought.
In the last two days I have changed the electrical switchplate on my garbage disposal so it won't go off everytime I put the trash can under the sink AND more impressively, I changed our old stupid broken manual dial thermostat to a brand new fantastic digital thermostat.

All the men in the audience, skip the rest of this paragraph. Both tasks were super easy. I mean SUPER EASY. I only asked the men to skip because if you as women need such things done you can rest assured that it is super *fucking* easy AND that even though it would be so easy for you to finish it, if you ask your man, or A man, they will feel like *men*. Me man! Me kill buffalo! And all that shit. So, in summary, all you chicas with men around, let them do the MAN STUFF, even though as I have just proven, it is also easy for a chick. Though, I do need a new front door hung up.....any takers?
Love you men! Love you! Love you! Even though you directly disobeyed my orders and read the forbidden remainder of the previous paragragh. Shame on you. Shame!
Mike Boogie wins All-Stars - uh, duh.
My whole summer distraction is over... When does Survivor start again?
God, I'm pathetic.
I think my thermostat, which admittedly is not programmable, but so what, cost $20. I only charged myself $100 for labor. So it's all peachy keen!
I am very proud of you pookie. You're one tough cookie.
Good job. As for the not listening to you about the middle paragraph... I don't listen to my wife, why should you get better treatment? ;-)
Boo! Hiss!
But true.
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