Friday, December 09, 2005

A poll for Friday

Are you going to go see Brokeback Mountain aka the gay cowboy love story movie starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal
Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I am. It's based on one of the best stories I've ever read (by one of my favorite authors); and, really, it's less about being gay and much more about how we have no control over who we fall in love with. -Ali

Jessica said...

I must admit, I am interested in the film, but apprehensive about the story.
Plus I wonder if Bubble Boy and the dude from A Knights Tale can convince me that they are in love. Even though I believe that Jake Gyllenhaal is secretly gay himself...though I have no proof of this allegation.
What about everyone else?

cube said...

Nope. I don't go to many movies anyway, but this one is not the kind of movie that appeals to me.

Jessica said...

I also only go to the movies with my husband and since the last movie we saw together in a movie theater was Dodgeball and that was on our first anniversary and that was a year and a half ago, I think we probably won't see the gay cowboy movie.
I watched part of the special about the movie on VH-1 last night, if only to try to decipher why in hell Heath Ledger was wearing sunglasses while being interviewed, ostensibly while indoors. Very odd fellow.

Amy: Kirsten Dunst, like Cameron Diaz, is one of those blondie mushfaces, who I also see no special attractiveness in. Her appeal is lost on me.

Jessica said...

Proof that Jake Gyllenhaal is gay, or at least partially queer...not that there's anything wrong with that...

Freebird said...

I haven't even heard of this movie, but I'll probably watch it at the theatre - alone.

Heck, I'll say it, CAMERON DIAZ IS UGLY! That girl has more acne problems than a 14 y/o kid. I don't think she's at all pretty.

I agree with Amy on Angelina, those lips are scary.

Jessica said...

Angelina's lips look painful, like you would always be saying "ooh ouch, my lips are so chappy"

It's amazing how pretty $20 million per picture can make a person.
And on this subject, what is up with Justin Timberlake? First he is with Britney mushface, now Cameron mushface. He must like the mushfaces.

Jessica said...

I asked my husband if he was going to see the gay cowboy movie.

Bob: Uuuuummmmm no.
Me: Why not?
Bob: (stares at me blankly)
Me: Is it because you're afraid of the gay feelings it will awaken in you?
Bob: Ummmm. No.

Jessica said...

That would be so mean!
I think he would be pretty upset to have seen two naked dudes making out.
It might scar him for life.