Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pinch me, I'm dreaming!

We spent today going to Winslow, Arizona to stand on the corner - like in the Eagles song - (my mom really really wanted to, even though Winslow is kind of a poohole).

Then we went to the Petrified Forest National Park...a bunch of hard old trees on the ground. Whoo.
It was actually kind of neat.
Tonight I am making lasagna for dinner. What an exciting life!


eva said...

Mmmm. Lasagna is GOOD. And I think it's AWESOME that you stood on a corner in Winslow, Arizona. It's such a fine sight to see.

Jessica said...

I merely took the pictures, I did not pose on the corner...though I was there. There was also a flat-bed Ford parked there on the corner as well.
Though I don't know if that was a coincidence.