Thursday, June 01, 2006

Louie: Let's Stop the Killing!

Today is Day One of Operation: Save the Critters here at the homestead.

I went out yesterday and bought Louie a breakaway collar with a bell on it, in hopes that the ringing bell would alert his would-be prey to his location and they could get away. After the possible bunny murder, I felt something had to be done before I ended up with a dead elk on the back porch with Louie trying to drag it in through the pet door.

So far, results are good.
He's been outside most of the morning, and I've got the door blocked so he can't come into the house without permission.
I see him out there, go check him for animals, check his ID, do an optical scan, get his pawprints and a major credit card and then I let him in.

We also attempted to shame and humiliate him into abandoning his murderous persona.
Here is an actual photo of the shaming.


Bern said...

That photo is too funny :)

Jessica said...

That's Louie in a Dora the Explorer hat.
He looks thrilled, no?

Bern said...

Yes, he looks "very" thrilled. Hope he learns his lesson.

Jessica said...

I think the bell is working. He's been kill free since I put it on him.

eaf said...

He'll find a way around it... you just wait. Hector can lie in the grass for hours, silent as anything, and then spring so fast the bird/mouse/rat/elk faints from heart failure... all this rendering a bell useless and merely annoying to his humans...

Jessica said...

Yes, I too have heard tales of the cats who successfully get around the bell...but I'm gonna stay hopeful, and keep that cat door blocked in the meantime!

pstvnrgy said...

I LOVE the Louie posts! Hands down, the funniest posts!

Jessica said...

;) He's still a major killer.