Monday, August 28, 2006


Today Dylan tried to pull himself to standing on the coffee table and Elizabeth fed the cats all by herself.
She also got her own Capri-Sun and put the straw in, and she got her own yogurt and spoon this morning. Thank goodness she still needs me to peel off the lid.

I'm almost obsolete!


Bern said...

They grew up overnight.

cube said...

You're not obsolete as long as you have a wallet with money in it.

eva said...

I was about to type what Cube did. I second that emotion. The kids will love you and turn to you so long as your checkbook is ready and willing. Me, on the other hand, will love you until you refuse to drink wine with me. Then you're on your own, hooker.

Jessica said...

Ohmigod! If I EVER EVER refuse to drink wine with you, please slap me, repeatedly, and harshly....
