Well, lots of things....
I do NOT have cancer, but I do have a weird auto-immune growth on my leg, now puntuated with a giant gash from the biopsy (thanks doc). That gash is incidentally very very sore now because the stitches popped out and I bled everywhere (thanks again doc).
I tried to go off my prozac, whoops! Bad idea. I went bonkers. Totally bonkers.
Plus I just realized that this week makes it two years since I've last seen my dad alive. Very sad.
The friggin cicadas are still buzzing in my yard and they are driving me bananas. We've been spraying them with the hose to try to get rid of them, but that just makes them louder. I hate them. I think there's only three weeks left of them, but I might be crazy before that.
But the kids are good.
Dylan is starting to speak English. He said "I want milk!" and "I want soda" and "I want snacks"
He's very hungry and thirsty I suppose.
Here's some pics of the children at a recent family birthday...

Ah, sorry about the two year anniversary. Probably a good time to stay on the prozac.
Yeah, ya think? I was going around like in a fog, wondering, WHY am I so sad....and then I remembered....
Good to have you back! I love that you entrusted a bat to your little one... I thought it was just me who was crazy enough to do that...
Believe me, I got out of the way!
Glad to hear 'no cancer'. I asked Meredith about you b/c I was getting worried. Sorry your doc sucked though.
It really wasn't the doc that screwed me up....
Long story short, the nurse left a stitch in me which popped out as I was giving the kids a bath...
It was no good.
But hey, good news is good news!!!!
I'll just get another tattoo to cover the scar, LOL
Glad you're ok! Sorry about the other stuff. I too was surprised you gave Dylan a bat. And it's so nice once they start speaking English. I hope Ava does some of that soon.
Technically it was Bob who supplied the weapon....but still.
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