Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Thrush, thrush...

Isn't it fun to be a mom!?!?

We've got thrush!

It's painful and ugly. It causes white milky looking patches inside Ben's mouth that can spread and become really painful for him. It can even cause nasty diaper rash if you let it get too far!

For me all the pain is localized in my nipples. Fun! Nothing like hot pink, itchy nipples that shoot pain while they shoot milk! Whooooo hooo!

So we went to the doctor this morning and we each got "painted" with Gentian violet, an ages old cure for thrush. Of course, Gentian VIOLET is so named because of its vibrant purple hue.
Yes...I have purple nippys.

Since I won't post a pic of my tender is a pic of Benjamin just LOVING every minute of thrush. You can imagine, if you must, what my breast-a-sez look like...

We are expected to be purple for a few days, perhaps four or five. Joy!


Anonymous said...

Dude. I totally had thrush when I was little or was it trench mouth? Either way, it was unpleasant. Take care of that baby mouth (and your upper lady parts).


Jessica said...

I think you had trench mouth, which is another of those diseases that just sounds friggin' awful!!

eaf said...

Thrush was my worst nightmare when I was nursing. That and all the other horrible things like clogged ducts and other general unpleasantness. I was fortunate to escape unthrushed. I hope your bout is short. :-(

Jessica said...

As do I!

Maribeth said...

Oh that's yucky! Hope the girls are feeling better soon as well as Ben.