Monday, August 25, 2008

Something in the air....

I woke up today at 5 am with the distinct smell of smoke in my nose.
Uh oh.
We're still technically in fire season here and our monsoon rains have sort of tapered off a bit even though we're still getting storm systems moving through.
Last night there was a giant thunderhead gathering just over the rim from where we live. Thunderstorms with no rain = dry lightning strikes = bad news in the forest!

So, as soon as that smoky smell wafted into the house, I was awake.
First I looked around and made sure that my actual home was not on fire. It was not.
Then I went out on the front deck and there was a small plane flying around near the ridgeline and I immediately thought "that must be a spotter plane" you know, looking around for the raging wildfire...

I guess I'm not just a hypochondriac but also a pyrochondriac? Is that a word? It should be. I see and smell fire where there is none.
Actually, that's only half true...
Getting back to the story...
I'm one of those people who has a very hard time getting back to sleep after being awakened. Makes for lots of fun with the baby and know...waking up all night.
So, since it was already 5 am and I was up I figured I'd go ahead and start the day. I got the dishwasher going and then started washing a load of diapers.
As I'm getting the washing machine going, I hear Bob walking around the house closing windows.

"Do you smell that too?" I asked excitedly since at this point I had convinced myself that I was hallucinating the smell of smoke. An obvious indication that I would probably have a massive stroke later on today. :)

"Yes," he answered in that gruff way he has in the morning where everything he says is silently prefaced by "I just fucking woke up, why are you talking to me..." if not in actual words then definitely in tone. God bless him, he hates mornings.

He determined that our renter had made a fire in his fireplace last night and since we sleep with all the windows open and have fans blowing in the cool night air our house got a tad smoky during the night.
He then proceeded to not so silently curse our renter for being a "dumbshit" I think that was the word. And wondered half under his breath "why the hell do you start a fire? It's AUGUST!"

I think the temps last night only got into the mid 50s range,, as much as I hate the crabby demeanor of the early morning husband, I have to agree with him about the dumbshit renter and the ill-advised fire building.
The funniest part is that the two of them JUST went out yesterday on the first woodcutting expedition of the season (gathering wood for the winter) so all I could think was that maybe our renter thought he needed to test the wood? Just to make sure it would really burn??
Who knows.

So thanks to that fire made with wood that does indeed burn, I am now awake for the day. It's 6:30 am here now and I'm awake. I should be sewing as I have a lot of projects to finish up (ahem Debbie, I'm half done!) but instead I'm on the computer, complaining to the internet about how smoke woke me up. I can't sew right now because of course the sewing machine is set up in my bedroom and ALL THREE KIDS are sleeping in there right now.
We should have just bought a one bedroom house with four living rooms, because that's all they use their own bedrooms for anyway, playrooms.

PS, as an interesting fun fact totally unrelated to this post. I measured myself to determine my bra size yesterday and it turns out that A) my band size is measuring about four inches smaller than it did a year ago and B) I'm still a 38DDD, yep, TRIPLE D. Wowza. AND C) Did you know that Triple D is also F. I didn't.

Oh, and of course I won't be burning my bras. Just in case you were wondering.


debdills said...

take your time with the items!

glad the hose and the forest were not on fire... and just maybe the stars will align and all three children will magically pass out for two solid hours so mommy can get some rest? hey, you can dream, right?

Jessica said...

Ha ha ha! that would take pharmaceuticals!

eaf said...

I knew about the DDD=F thing too, as I'm in the club! However, with the weight loss, I think I've gone down to DD=E. I'm not complaining. Sometimes, there IS too much of a good thing.