Thursday, August 20, 2009

Live your life Off the Wall

I've always been obsessed with music. From a very young age my brother and I were listening to our parents LPs (yes, that's vinyl) and jamming out to Disco Duck and the Beatles and Iron Butterfly and Santana.

PS: Were my parents cool or what?

I kept on this path all my life.
As a kid, my mom played the oldies radio station 24/7 in her gigantic beige Buick Regal as we cruised around town.

When I was young and fresh we'd listen to the radio and tapes and CDs while we were hanging out at friends houses, before school, at the pool and driving around town. I'd go to live concerts. I'd tape songs off the radio. I'd get together with friends JUST to listen to a CD. Or we'd go to the teen music club in town, the short-lived and poorly named Vampire Lounge.

Through college whatever boyfriend I had would introduce me to a new genre of music or a new artist. I went to TONS of concerts in all genres. My friends and I would listen to any music as long as we were having a good time.

And now I'm always either listening to music or singing something or dancing along to the "Ice cream and cake" commercial.

As I got older I got comfortable enough to get into Karaoke. Which just added to my musical obsession by causing me to seek out awesome karaoke songs to sing.

Despite all this history with music, what got me acutely attuned to the fact that music is my life blood was something that happened just this morning.

I was organizing my bathroom cabinets and I shut the cabinet door sort of hard. Instantly my mind was playing a song....

"Off the Wall" by Michael Jackson.

As I soundlessly grooved to the music in my mind I realized why THAT song appeared to me...the sound of the cabinet slam was almost identical to the sound of the drum in that song....

Which is sort of funny, sort of cool, sort of weird.....and really says a lot about me....

I must accept for now and forever more that most of my life will be defined by a song....whether I like it or not.

And really, it's just fine by me....

You gotta let that fool loose deep inside your soul...


Jason said...

Happens to me all the time. My old roomie and me used to play a game where we would try to get a song stuck in each others head with the minimum effort possible.

Jessica said...

At least I'm not alone in having random sounds pop random songs into my head!

Anonymous said...

I remember taping songs on the radio! I taped an entire New Kids concert from KMEL's summer concert.