Thursday, February 23, 2006

My husband, the comedian

Bob was playing Korn the other day, lots of cussing in that music.
Dylan was sitting in the bouncer seat sleeping and listening to the music.

Me: I'm glad we're playing Korn to him while he sleeps so he gets all that cussing subliminally. We should be playing classical music for him.
Bob: (switches to Led Zeppelin) Well, this is classic ROCK. It's pretty much the same.


Freebird said...

Korn makes my ears bleed. Please buy Dylan some ear muffs and protect those precious ears. :-P

Jessica said...

Korn is not my favorite either. My husband is a BIT of a headbanger.

Freebird said...

So is my kid, but you probably know that already. He tells me when he grows up he wants to own a radio station for headbangers only. I keep hoping he'll outgrow it.

eva said...

Ugh. Korn? Please ban it. Though I have to say, the line about Zeppelin was, much like their music, classic.

cube said...

Korn...wasn't that Elvis' last word? Actually, I think it was corn.

Jessica said...

I think it may have been "Corn?"

I won't get graphic here, but you get me.

cube said...

Yes, I left off the question mark.