Friday, May 11, 2007


The last two weeks we've been going to Storytime at the Library on Thursday mornings. Elizabeth LOVES it! She sits right up front, does all the songs and dancing, listens quietly when she's supposed to and answers the questions when asked...she's great!
Dylan, eh.
He stands in the middle of the rug and spins around in circles. That's of course when he's not attacking the girls with love (love they DON'T want by the way). And he only does that when he's not escaping the children's section and trying to run out of the library and into the parking lot. But only when he's not harassing the fish, or banging his sippy cup against a chair, or screaming.



Chris said...

That reminds me of how Athena used to be at those. Running around, wandering through the library, wandering up on the stage, etc. Lots of fun.

Jessica said...

Ah, youthful abandon.
I was embarrassed just tailing Dylan around trying to keep HIM out of trouble.

eaf said...

This warms the cockles of my little librarian heart. :-)

Jessica said...

Oh yeah, little crazed midgets hopped up on waffles and chocolate milk terrorizing the library and rearranging all the books with NO REGARD for the Dewey Decimal System...that's your dream come true, I'm so sure!

eaf said...

mmmmm... yes... and yours are the only kids in the whole country who are like that. ;-)

Jessica said...

I know! They're HEATHENS!! ;)