Friday, September 14, 2007

47 Days until Halloween

WalMart has started putting out the Christmas decorations, so you know it's time to start planning for Halloween!!

This year we've decided that Dylan will be a pirate. I'm going to put a black eye makeup eye patch on him and sew a parrot to an old shirt, rip up some old pants and put a skull covered biker head wrap on him. Voila! Pirate!

Elizabeth...ugh...she's dead set on being a frog. We got this hand-me-down costume of a turtle and she thinks its a frog and she can't wait to be a frog.
The costume is so large it swallows her up. There is no way I can let her be a frog.
Bob thinks I should just give her the choice since it's her costume and her Halloween.

Silly man.

I'm going to do everything in my power to convince her to be a princess or a fairy or a fairy princess or a girl pirate or really anything but a turtle/frog. A trog? A furtle?
Maybe that's wrong and mean, but I don't want to walk around trick or treating with a super cute happy little pirate man and his unhappy, completely engulfed, can't see because the costume is covering her whole head furtle sister.

What are your kids dressing up as for Halloween?


Anonymous said...

I have already indulged in 3 packs of peeps. Okay, one package of cocoa cat peeps in Chicago. And I am exhibiting unheard of levels of self restraint this week, as I still have 1/4 of a box of pumpkin peeps left AND an entire box of ghost peeps. This will, of course, all change the week after Halloween, when the peeps are half-price and I'll go bat crazy.

Jessica said...

You and the dang Peeps! Those things make me so sick!
My brother loves them though.
Bunch of peep-heads!

Meredith said...

Peeps? Really? Those things are disgusting.

Jess, Brendan is also going to be a PIRATE! One, because it's cute, and Two, because my friend's son was one last year and his costume fits. We've gotta take lots of pics of our super cute pirates!

Jessica said...

Whoo hoo! Pirate love!

Chris said...

We haven't decided on what Marcus and Athena will be wearing yet.